Welcome to the Personal Portfolio Website of JKMA!

Feel free to browse my website, where I showcase my passion through videos, maps, 3D models of buildings, and insightful articles. While my focus is on Zamboanga City and shopping malls, I also cover a diverse range of other topics.

You can reach us out via email at jkmaofficial@gmail.com, and connect with us on the following social media platforms

We look forward to hearing from you!

About this Site and the Author

JKMA is not an organization or a corporation. It’s simply a personal website created with passion and dedication. I’ve created this platform to share my interests, experiences, and knowledge with others like you. It’s a space where I express my thoughts, showcase my work, and provide valuable resources.

Please be mindful that while I strive to deliver the best content possible, this website is prone to errors and other mistakes, as the admin is not a professional. However, I am committed to continuously improving and providing valuable insights and creations that I hope you’ll find enjoyable and informative. Thank you for visiting JKMA!

If you want to know more about me, you can click either of these links below.

Take a moment to browse our diverse collection of articles, videos, and resources.

3D Models

Three-Dimensional Models

Video Logs

Videography, Video Logs

Articles, Informational Web

Help this blog grow by donating any amount. Your support will allow us to continue providing quality content and expanding our reach. Every contribution makes a difference!


Welcome to JKMA, a blog I’ve created to share insightful and high-quality content with you. As the sole author, I devote all my time and effort to delivering unique and original material. From writing to video editing, from creating images to designing buildings and maps, I handle it all as a multi-talented individual.

My blog’s motto is “create what you crave,” reflecting my commitment to producing content that fills gaps and satisfies cravings for new ideas. Despite being a student, I ensure each piece is meticulously researched and finely crafted through intensive editing.

Managing JKMA independently has its challenges, but it allows me to share my best work directly with you. Your support and enjoyment of my content are greatly appreciated. If you find value in what I create, your contribution or donation would help sustain and enhance JKMA.

To prevent other bloggers from grabbing and reposting our work without permission, some posts on our website are protected with a password. To gain access, please message us through any of our contact methods.

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